Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Mini Mothercare haul

Okay so i've been absent for a little while on here as i'm finding it really hard to have spare time to write anything and take pictures etc. Avas now getting older and needing more and more attention and shes now having shorter naps and sometimes not even any naps through the day. I thought id have time but i'm really struggling to find space in my day to do a blog post. Also i've been feeling really exhausted and i've had no energy to even think about what to do next on here. But i'm finally doing a little one as promised. 

I recently went to Mothercare to get a few things, we really needed to get Ava some summer shoes as we went to Clarks and they was quite disappointing. The shoes she got sized for was way too big and she was tripping up all the time in them so we took them back and got her sized in Mothercare Clarks and she was a whole 1/2 size wrong. So in the end we just ended up getting some pretty sandals from the Mothercare store and leaving Clarks. 

These sandals are half price of some shoes from Clarks and they fit her perfectly and don't rub her and she never trips in them. 

Priced at £11.99