Thursday, 4 January 2018

Third trimester with baby number 2

So i'm now coming towards the end of the third trimester with baby number 2 and we've had quite a normal pregnancy up until the last couple of months as you will find out.

How far along am i now? 37 weeks & 3 days

Weight? 10.2 stone

Cravings? Not so much cravings but really enjoy chocolate and gummy sweets and cold bottled water!

Due date? 22nd of January

Sex? Boy

Birth plan? Well this has changed a lot in the past few weeks. I had planned on having a home birth and my pregnancy was going perfect with no complications until .. The 7th of December, i started struggling to breathe and getting awful chest pains which i just thought was wind. I tried going to bed but the pain got worse which ended up in my partner ringing 999 as i felt faint and sick. On the 8th of December i had a X-ray and CT scan which showed i had some tiny blood clots on my left lung. 

I am now on Fragmin injections twice daily, once at morning and once at night. These are to thin my blood out and help the clots disperse. A couple of weeks later we spoke to our midwife and found out home birth wasn't going to be an option any longer and that we needed to have a hospital birth as i'm now classed as a high risk pregnancy. 

On the 4th of January we finally saw a consultation who confirmed home birth wasn't an option and that i had to decide to have a induction or not? As i need to make sure i haven't taken a Fragmin injection 24 hours before birth due to more risk of bleeding out if i needed a c section or epidural for any reason. 

I am back to see the consultation again on the 9th of January for a internal examination to see if my cervix is thin and to go over the options again. But it looks like a induction it will be. Also if i do get induced it will be before or on when i'm 39 weeks as my first baby was naturally early at 39 weeks & 1 day. So being induced at least we can be prepared and have a plan! and more safe for myself and the baby.

The next update i do will be my birth story. So fingers crossed everything goes to plan! or at least smoothly with no more complications.

Symptoms and movements? He's getting so strong now and i can definitely tell hes low down as i get a lot of lightening crotch and braxton hicks now. They are slightly painful especially when walking or laid in bed at night.

Bump size? Bump is still growing but doesn't look much different in size compared to my first pregnancy. But as hes measuring - hes measuring slightly bigger than baby number 1 so if he comes early that's quite a good thing.

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